Community Outreach
Emergency Notifications
Emergency Notifications
Register your cell phone to be notified in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts. Examples include: evacuation notices, bio-terrorism alerts, boil water notices, and missing child reports.
Community Events Calendar
There is currently nothing scheduled at this time
Please check back later
Car Seat Requests
Car Seats:
Installations, Inspections,
and Assistance
Buda Fire Department has the ability to check and/or install your infant or child car seat. If you would like to have your car seat installed or inspected, you can stop by Stations 2 or 3 for help with that.
AT Buda Fire Department
The Buda Fire Department and Austin Travis County EMS have partnered under a Federal Grant to provide expanded assistance for Child Safety Seat programs.
There will be Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians at the Car Seat Event to inspect your current car seat and educate you on how to properly install your car seat.
There is no charge for this Car Seat Event, just sign up to attend.
Click below to choose a time slot that is good for you. You will be required to fill in your contact info, child, car seat and vehicle details:
Community Health Paramedic
Community Health Paramedic Program

Feature Headline
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The CHP Mission
The program was designed to assist the citizens in our district with other avenues of health care and education. The primary goal is to help patients better understand their medical conditions, manage a normal life style, and reduce the risk for potential injuries. The program is not a replacement for calling an ambulance. It is a resource available to hopefully prevent you from ever needing one. The program does not take the place of home health care.
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Services Provided
• Illness/Injury prevention and education • Advanced Health assessments and vital sign checks • Home safety/fall prevention assessments (scheduled M-F) • Managing community resources that meet patient needs • Assisting your primary care physician with patient information • Health Fairs and community outreach • Enrolling citizens in our File of Life program • Child passenger safety seat inspections
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Referral Process
Our patients that we enroll in the program are selected by the following: • EMS crews • Selected by the Community Health Paramedic staff (patients who utilize 911 >3 times in a 90 day period)• Physician, nurse, social services referral.
If you have questions or see a need to refer a patient, please click the link below to send us information for follow up.
Trainings & Classes
There are no classes currently scheduled at this time.
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Stop The Bleed Background
Motivated by the 2012 tragedy in Sandy Hook and multiple tragedies that have occurred in the ensuing years, what has become known as the Hartford Consensus was convened to bring together leaders from law enforcement, the federal government, and the medical community to improve survivability from manmade or natural mass casualty events. The resulting injuries from these events generally present with severe bleeding which, if left unattended, can result in death. The participants of the Hartford Consensus concluded that by providing first responders (law enforcement) and civilian bystanders the skills and basic tools to stop uncontrolled bleeding in an emergency situation, lives would be saved. The first responder program has received very good response and is widely being used across the country. The next step is to focus on needs of civilian bystanders.
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Civilians need basic training in Bleeding Control principles so they are able to provide immediate, frontline aid until first responders are able to take over care of an injured person. Due to many situations, there may be a delay between the time of injury and the time a first responder is on the scene. Without civilian intervention in these circumstances, preventable deaths will occur.
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The American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma is leading the effort to save lives by teaching the civilian population to provide vital initial response to stop uncontrolled bleeding in emergency situations. This will be accomplished by the development of a comprehensive and sustainable bleeding control education and information program targeted to civilians that will inform, educate and empower the 300+million citizens of the United States.
To register for the STOP THE BLEED class, please fill out the form below.
Fee Schedule
Many people believe that fire is unpredictable. On the fireground, our ability to predict what will happen in the fire environment is based on our training and knowledge of fire behavior. Extensive training in actual fire conditions allows us to prepare for what we will encounter in real world scenarios. In reality, there is no unpredictable fire behavior when we prepare, train and understand the conditions that we may face.
The Buda Fire Department training facilities include climate controlled classroom space, as well as a four story, multi-purpose training tower. Our training tower has three burn rooms to simulate residential, commerical, and garage fires. The tower is also equipped for confined space and high angle rescue evolutions, as well as roof operations.
BFD Coordinator$50/hr
Training Tower Use$50/hr (including burn rooms)
Fee per Student$10
Fire Apparatus Lease$200
Fire Apparatus (CAFS) Lease$300
TCFP Skills Testing Requests
Rescue Tech Mannequins$25/each or $50/all
Smoke Simulator$25/day
Roof Simulator$15/4×4 cut-out or $25/4×8 cut-out
Materials (Hay, Pallets)$10/bale or $5/pallet
SCBA Air Refill TBD based on the amount